
Recent Papers

DNA methylation GrimAge strongly predicts lifespan and healthspan
Ake T. Lu, Austin Quach, James G. Wilson, Alex P. Reiner, Abraham Aviv, Kenneth Raj, Lifang Hou, Andrea A. Baccarelli, Yun Li, James D. Stewart, Eric A. Whitsel, Themistocles L. Assimes, Luigi Ferrucci, Steve Horvath. (2019) Aging (11).

DNA methylation in blood as a mediator of the association of mid-childhood body mass index with cardio-metabolic risk score in early adolescence
Jian V. Huang, Andres Cardenas, Elena Colicino, C. Mary Schooling, Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, Golareh Agha, Yinan Zheng, Lifang Hou, Allan C. Just, Augusto A. Litonjua, Dawn L. DeMeo, Xihong Lin, Emily Oken, Marie-France Hivert & Andrea A. Baccarelli (2018) Epigenetics 13 (10,11), 1072-1087.

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